About us

Bengrip : Creating success with Insurance Affinity Programs
With extensive experience, Bengrip focusses only on the creation or improvement of Insurance Programs for specific target groups. We simply believe that by combining the most effective product to the right marketing and a clearly defined group, all involved can benefit.
The objective of Bengrip is to develop and support Group Insurance Programs sold through partners with a strong brand or bond to its members or clients. Finding and working with partners with strong communication power creates options to sell insurances to specific groups and through efficient channels. This is favorable for an insurance carrier as they save on sales expenses and are able to attract ‘better’ risks. It is also beneficial for the partner as they will be remunerated for their already existing communication power. And the consumer benefits from better rates and adjusted policies.
Bengrip is an international Affinity Broker for Associations and Retailers, as well as a consulting firm for Insurance Carriers, Brokers, and Financial Instituions.
Bengrip was founded in 2010 by one of the most experienced persons in this industry. The organization is now run from multiple locations, both in Europe and in the USA, and has supported Insurance Programs in more than 12 countries. With extensive international know-how, Bengrip has developed Group Insurance Programs for very different groups and within varying economies.
Please contact us for more information.